May 31, 2019


These terms and conditions govern the basis on which we agree to provide childcare services to you. They are designed to help us deliver and maintain a high standard of childcare, assist with forward planning and the proper resourcing of the nursery. Please read them carefully.

Nothing within these terms and conditions affects the parent/guardians statutory rights. We require all parents to be aware of and abide by the following conditions.

Download our registration pack

1)Once a place at the nursery is confirmed, one calendar month’s written notice is required if you wish to withdraw your child from the nursery. Fees are payable during the whole of this time. Fees are also payable if there is any delay in taking up the place once accepted.

2) One calendar month’s written notice is required if you wish to reduce the sessions attended by your child.

3) Parents are to supply a draw string bag for children containing 1 x change of clothes (plus spare underwear and socks), hat and gloves for cold weather and a sun hat for hotter weather, Wipes and nappies/ pull ups (enough to last the day) along with nappy/ barrier cream and sun cream. Formula for babies who are bottle fed must also be provided.

4) Little Hubbers have access to a fully inclusive play centre and sensory room. All children who attend the nursery will have unlimited access to these additional services including regular disco time sessions, messy play and individual Birthday celebration’s for your little ones. Little Hubbers also bring in extra curricular classes and activities such as Hartbeeps, Jitabugs, Angela Ark, Science Buddies and Little Kickers to name but a few. A weekly charge of £3.00 will be added to your fees to cover the additional costs associated with this. This fee is also payable for children receiving the 15 & 30 hour entitlement.

5) Fees quoted are in accordance with the Little Hubbers Fee Schedule for the number of sessions that your child attends at the nursery. Any extra sessions requested over and above those booked, (or part thereof), will be additionally charged at the rates specified in the Fee Schedule and must be booked and paid for 24 hours in advance. Extra sessions are subject to availability at the time of request.

6) Fees are then calculated on the basis of the current weekly charge (as specified in the Fee Schedule), for the sessions attended, multiplied by the number of weeks that Little Hubbers Nursery is open (51 weeks) and then divided by 12 (months) to create a fixed monthly charge. A Fee Schedule is provided in the application pack. Additional copies can be obtained from the Nursery Manager.

7) All fees are charged monthly in advance and are to be paid by standing order or direct debit on the first day of the month to which they relate. Fees will be invoiced to the person(s) named on the registration form. Fees are payable during periods of absence from the nursery, including sickness, holidays, public and bank holidays, 3 x inset days (staff training days) and if the nursery is closed due to exceptional conditions i.e. snow/weather conditions, loss of power/heating/water. Inset days are very important to ensure staff are up to date with all relevant legislation, policies and procedures.

8) To secure a nursery place, the first month’s fees must be paid at the time the place is confirmed by the parent or guardian, no later than one week prior to the first day of the child’s attendance.

9) Little Hubbers reserve the right to charge late fees at a minimum charge of £20 per occasion. Children may be excluded from the nursery if fees remain outstanding beyond 10 days from their due date and the registration terminated.

10) Little Hubbers Nursery Ltd is open Monday to Friday 7.30am-6pm, except on statutory holidays and during the Christmas period (December 25th to January 1st), closing at 12.30pm on Christmas Eve (or the Friday before Christmas eve if it falls on a weekend)and reopening on the first working day after New year’s Day.

11) Whilst we take all precautions necessary, and have various policies and procedures in place to protect the children in our care, Little Hubbers Nursery Ltd cannot accept responsibility for accidental injury or loss of property. Copies of the current Employer’s Liability and Public Liability insurance policies are displayed on the notice board at the nursery.

12) Little Hubbers Nursery operates an open access to information policy. This means that parents are welcome to view the policies and procedures under which the nursery runs.

13) If your child becomes ill during a nursery session, the Nursery Manager will contact the parent/guardian or the emergency contact indicated on the Registration Form.

14) If your child is suffering from a communicable illness, your child should NOT be brought to nursery until such time as the infection has cleared. A COPY OF OUR INFECTIOUS AND CONTAGIOUS GUIDELINES POSTER IS ON DISPLAY ON THE PARENT’S INFORMATION BOARD IN THE ENTRANCE. A full copy of Little Hubbers Infectious and Contagious Illness Policy is available from the Nursery Manager.

15) Little Hubbers reserves the right to refuse your child entry to the nursery at any time should the Nursery Manager believe that your child has an infectious illness or in the event that the Nursery Manager believes that your child’s presence in the nursery will be detrimental to other children within our care.

16) Parents/guardians are required to notify the Nursery Manager if your child is absent from nursery through sickness.

17) Parents/guardians collecting children late from the nursery will be subject to a £10 surcharge, details of which are stated in the Fee Schedule. Charges are made for every 15 minutes or part thereof. Parents/Guardians should be aware that the nursery has to be vacated by the designated closing time.

18) Little Hubbers Nursery is under an obligation to report to Social Services any incident where we consider a child may have been abused or neglected. This may be done without informing the parent or guardian.

19) If any parent or carer should have cause for complaint, they should, in the first instance, take the matter up with the Manager. In the event that the matter is not dealt with satisfactorily, then you should contact the Nursery Owner, Amanda Sherriff or Jill Santonastaso, on 0191 2577260. In the event that Little Hubbers Nursery cannot resolve the matter to your satisfaction, the parent/carer is entitled to raise the matter with Ofsted (0845 40 40 40 ).

20) Little Hubbers actively promote healthy eating in the Nursery in line with schools and the Early Years Foundation Stage. We ask that if you able to, please could you donate 1 piece of fruit or vegetables each day for the children to share at snack time, e.g. apples, Bananas, oranges, plums, grapes, carrots, cucumber, celery, avocado, tomatoes, etc. Little Hubbers actively engage your children in the preparing, chopping and serving of snack time fruit. This encourages social interaction and allows children to learn new skills. This applies to all parents/ carers including those accessing the 15 & 30 hour funding.